
Wellcome to my homepage

Here I will show and give away my programs

mostly brain kicking programs

RAR program can be downloaded at the bottom of ths page.

RAR program or WinZIP is a way to compress programs for easily transport programs between computers 

TravelingSalesMan is an AI program.

 The program is written in C# and solves The Traveling Sales Mans problem.

The Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) is the challenge of finding the shortest way and most efficient route for a person to travel a given a list of specific destinations.

På svenska:

TSP är ett probem som en resande försäljare har. Han skall resa mellan ett visst antal städer men kan får aldrig korsa sin egen väg eller besöka samma stad 2 ggr.

All download is in .RAR . If you dont have these programs I have a link at the bottom of this side. 

Roland Jonsson


Corvid 19 is a graphical program that shows the spredding of a virus. 

Every pixel on the screen is a person which status is held in a database.

The screen can be resized by the user and then change the amount of people in the test

My programs download code is packed with WinRAR to save space and easy downloading. If you shall read my code you must have a RAR program to be able to unpack my code

What is a RAR File Extension?

RAR is the native format of the WinRAR Archiver. A RAR file is a data container that can store one or several files in compressed form - it has the .rar extension.

See discription
